SGDV Analog
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SGDV Analog
SGDV Analog

10W to 55kW, 1.6 kHz Bandwidth
The Sigma-5 servo amplifier delivers the highest performance in the industry due its unmatched frequency response, reduced settling times and more precise control. In addition it provides a faster set up, simpler tuning, and vibration suppression. With a wide range of models and options to it can match your individual application requirements.
SGDV Analog - Options
Primary - 20-bit serial absolute encoder
- 20-bit serial absolute encoder standard on all Sigma-5 motors
Secondary - Fully Closed Loop Option Card
- Allows the user to close the position loop around a secondary feedback device placed near the load
- Helps eliminate the effects of mechanical compliance and thermal variances
- Allows for more precise control and improved machine performance
- Available with MECHATROLINK-II, Analog Voltage/Pulse Train, and EtherCAT Command Architectures
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