Low Harmonic Solutions
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Low Harmonic Solutions
Low Harmonic Solutions
Low Harmonic Solutions - YAIMOB
Unlike passive rectifiers which can only supply power from source to load, the D1000 is capable of delivering power in both directions, and is most beneficial to supply multi-drive common bus systems that experience significant regeneration.
D1000 Regenerative Converter

Unlike passive rectifiers which can only supply power from source to load, the D1000 is capable of delivering power in both directions, and is most beneficial to supply multi-drive common bus systems that experience significant regeneration.
Yaskawa offers the following solutions to address your general-purpose low harmonic application requirements.

- U1000 Industrial MATRIX Drive Low Harmonic, Regenerative, and High Performance Vector up to 800HP
- U1000 Industrial Configured U1000 Industrial MATRIX Drive in a UL Type 1, 12 or 3R Enclosure with Options
- GA800 Drive Premium Performance Vector and Mobile Device Enabled up to 600 HP
- D1000 Regenerative Converter Low Harmonic and Regenerative Bi-Directional DC Bus Supply up to 750 HP
Yaskawa offers the following solutions to address your HVAC low harmonic application requirements.

- Z1000U Matrix Drive 7.5-350 HP, IP00
- Z1000U Matrix Bypass 7.5-350 HP; UL Type 1, 12, 3R
- Z1000U Matrix Configured 7.5-350 HP; UL Type 1, 12, 3R
Yaskawa offers the following solutions to address your pumping low harmonic application requirements.

- U1000 iQpump 7.5-350 HP; IP00; V/f
- U1000 iQpump Configured 7.5-350 HP; NEMA 1; V/f