D1000 Regenerative Converter
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D1000 Regenerative Converter
D1000 Regenerative Converter
D1000 Regenerative Converter - YAIALL

5 - 750 HP
Looking for a fully regenerative and/or clean power solution for your multi-drive or single drive system? Look no further. D1000 is your answer.
Unlike passive rectifiers which can only supply power from source to load, the D1000 is capable of delivering power in both directions, and is most beneficial to supply multi-drive or single drive common bus systems that experience significant regeneration. Additionally, the D1000 system includes input harmonic filtering, achieving low distortion levels and improved power factor, which further reduces energy costs and stress on power systems. This clean power solution is achieved without the use of expensive multi-pulse components.
D1000 Drive - Overview
- Facilitates IEEE 519 Compliance
- Less than 5% iTHD at input terminals
- Supports single-drive or multi-drive common bus configurations
- Compatible with all conventional drives having full power access to DC bus
- 100% continuous power
- Overload capability of 150% for 60 seconds, 200% for 3 seconds
- 0.99 True Power Factor at full load
- Ability to compensate for low voltage (boost function)
- Overcurrent and Overheat Protection
- Embedded Modbus RTU Communications
- Removable Terminal Block
- Multi-language LCD Display
- Communication options for all major industrial networks provides high speed control and monitoring, reducing installation cost
- DriveWizard computer software for easy configuration
- USB Copy Unit and Keypad configuration storage provide speed and convenience for duplicate configuration of multiple drives
- Made with RoHS compliant materials
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