Elevator Drives
Elevator Drives
Today's elevators and escalators require a quality ride through smooth operation, high speeds and higher cycle times.

- L1000A Drive 2-500 HP for IM or PM motor control
- L1000E Drive For Latin America Market
Yaskawa's residential and escalator drives line are world-class compact current vector drives that defines a new world standard. Demands for efficient production and better maintainability are on the rise, spurred by global competition. Yaskawa pays off the promise of being in control with products that make businesses move.

- V1000 Drive 1/8 - 25 HP; NEMA 1; OLV; V/f
Today's industrial needs for automated, labor savings, higher speed and energy saving systems are greater than ever. This change has led to diversification in demand for variable speed drives, resulting in rapid expansion in AC Drive applications because of their high reliability and maintainability.

- D1000 Regenerative Converter 5 - 750 HP; Regenerative Converter
- R1000 Regenerative Unit Up to 500HP (300 kW); Regnerative Unit
This collection of PC software support tools can be used for uploading and downloading drive parameters, commissioning and troubleshooting of Yaskawa elevator drives as easy as possible.

- DriveWizard iQrise DriveWizard iQrise Elevator Software