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Title: SigmaWin+ ver.5 Online Manual Sigma-7 Component
Number: SIEPS80000148
Date: 11/20/2015
Description: This manual explains the following areas for SigmaWin+ Σ-7 component users.• Outline of SigmaWin+ Σ-7 component functions and operation• SigmaWin+ Σ-7 component installation/removal• Outline of SigmaWin+ Σ-7 component functions and operation when connecting throughan MP2000/MP3000-series Machine Controller (hereinafter referred to as Controller).• How a SigmaWin+ Σ-7 component connected through a Controller differs from a conventionallyconnected SigmaWin+ Σ-7 component.
Rev Number: C-2-0
Language: English
Doc Type: Manuals - User Guides
Doc SubType: Software Manuals

Product Information

Product Group: Servo Products
Product Line: SigmaWin Plus Software