Yaskawa Electric has been part of the world market for over a century and continues to expand its reach year after year. From its founding in 1915 to its current presence, Yaskawa has made great strides both as a corporation and with the products it manufactures .
New History Content
Serving Society with Innovative Technologies

- HMI released
- GA500 released
- Yaskawa Compass
- GA800 600V released
- Sigma-MD released
- HV600 released
- Single Phase Conversion Package
- Expanded Sigma Trac II Models
- Clarivate Top 100 Global Innovator
- U1000 Configured Packages
- Food Grade Motors released
- Hygienic Motors released
- FP605 Industrial Fan & Pump Drive released
- Expanded HV600 Family for HVAC Applications, including UL Type 12 Narrow
- New Training Site "Learn with Yaskawa" (a Learning Management System) released
Factory Automation

- Yaskawa Electric Corp. Celebrates 100 Years
- Sigma-7 Servo Products released
- Mike Knapek named as CEO
- U1000 Industrial MATRIX Drive released
- Z1000U MATRIX Drive released
- D1000 Regenerative Converter released
- R1000 Regenerative Unit released
- MP3300iec Machine Controller released
- V1000-4X released
- A1000 released
- One Millionth Inverter Manufactured in the USA
- Name change to Yaskawa America, Inc.
- Junma released
- Sigma-5 with Indexer released
- Sigma-5 with Safety released
- Z1000 released
- P1000 released
- iQpump1000 released
- MP2600iec Machine Controller released
- MP3200iec Machine Controller released
- GA800 released
- U1000 iQpump released
- iQpump Micro released
- Single Phase Converter released
- MV expansion
- Sigma SD Spindles released
- Sigma Trac II released
- Robots with IEC released
- SLIO released
- Celebrated 50 years in the USA
- Solution Center released
- Self-guided Video Training released
- SigmaLogic and SigmaLogic7 released
- Sigma-7Siec released
- SGM7F direct drive motor released
- SGM7D direct drive motor released
- SGLF2 linear servo motor released
Performance Solutions

- Linear Sigma Trac
- G7 three-level control inverter
- DriveWizardTM software
- Ethernet communications
- E7, P7, and F7 inverter drives
- E7B and E7L bypass assemblies
- IPM motors
- DriveWorksEZTM
- 12- and 18-pulse inverters
- Direct Drive Motors
- SMC-4000 Multi-axis machine controller
- LEGEND digital torque amplifier
- Mechatrolink II communication
- YTerm Software
- Sigma II large capacity servo
- MP2000 series controllers
- Application-Specific robot designs (EA and ES)
- E7N Narrow Bypass Package
- V1000 inverter drive
- J1000 inverter drive
- Sigma-5
- MP2300Siec Machine Controller
- MP2310iec Machine Controller
- MotionWorks IEC Pro Software
- Sigma-5 with EtherCAT
- Linear Sigma Trac SGT
Factory Automation and Mechatronics

- Specialized AC linear motors
- Motoman K series
- G3, G5 & P5 inverter drives
- Clean robot
- Vacuum transfer system
- Parallel computer/controllers
- SMC-2000 and HR MCs
- Industry-leading multiple robot control
- Mechatrolink high speed digital communication
- Sigma II Servo System
- M5 and MC5 spindle drives
- Open architecture technology
- Medium voltage SF6 fault current limiting device
- Special purpose semiconductor actuators
- MotionSuite MP900 series machine controllers
- V7 and J7 microdrive inverters
- MotionWorks+TM programming software
Factory Automation

- Deming Application Prize Winner
- AC servomotors
- Vision system
- Intelligent color CRT display for plant system control
- ACGC (Advanced Color Graphics Computer) for user-programmable CNC
- AC inverter drive product for continuous casting systems
- MEMOCON-Gl Series
- Submersible SF6 gas load break switches
- YASNAC i Series CNC
- Sigma Series AC Servo System
- Vacuum motor
- Patented on-the-fly winding change drive
- Introduced IGBT PWM inverter
Industrial Automation

- YASNAC CNC System, using microprocessors
- CAM-driven type sequence programmers
- Pole-mounted SF6 gas load break switches
- Multi-function MEMOCON PLCs
- Sewage treatment control systems
- World's first general purpose transistor inverters
- Motoman industrial robots
- YASNAC B Series
- Vertically-jointed, articulated Motoman L Series
- DC brushless motors for spindle drive
- BestactTM reed switches
- Vector control inverters
Industrial Electronics

- 12,000kW electric products for blooming mill
- Minertia motors
- Introduction of Mechatronics
- Clapper-type, high voltage air magnetic contactors
- SF6 gas rotary-arc technology
- Print motors
- Minicomputer, MEMOCON 2000
- Super Minertia motors
- Cup motors
- Hard-wired CNCs
- Moto-fingers, moto-arms, moto-hands
- Yaskawa Electric America, Inc. is founded
- Electrical products using MEMOCON Controllers for automatic charging apparatus for blast furnaces

- Sectional drive electrical products for papermaking machines
- Magnetic timers
- Introduced technology of DC machines from BBC
- Hi-line steel encased motors
- Remove monitoring systems for water supply
- Developed DC servomotors
- VS eddy-current motors and drives
Motors & Controllers

- Electrical control systems for blast furnace charging
- Super synchronous motors
- Overall control equipment for coal mining
- Clapper-type low-voltage magnetic load breakers
- Electric copy lathes
- Speed control equipment for cement kiln
Initial Stage

- Three phase induction motors
- Liquid resistors
- Low-voltage magnetic contactros with silver contacts
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