Yaskawa America, Inc offers a comprehensive total rewards package that helps you grow personally and professionally, receive recognition for the results you deliver and enjoy your life both in and outside of work. Our total rewards are designed to support you throughout all stages of your life and career. If you join Yaskawa, you may be eligible for the following total rewards:
Base Salary
Incentive Plans
Special Recognition Programs
Health, Wellness & Life Support
2 Medical Plan Offerings to Fit Your Individual Needs
2 Dental Plan Offerings
Vision Insurance
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Behavioral Health Coverage
Prescription Drug Coverage
Healthcare and Dependent Day Care Flexible Spending Accounts
Health Savings Account
Employer Paid Life and AD&D Insurance
Optional Life Insurance
Group Legal Plan
Group Home and Auto Insurance Plans
AFLAC Plan Options
Health Club Reimbursement
On-Site Wellness Events
Charitable Contribution Matching
Growth & Development
Learning and Development Opportunities
Educational Reimbursement
Cross Functional Assignments
Time Away From Work
Paid Vacation
11 Paid Holidays per Year
5 Paid Personal Days
Short-Term Disability
Long-Term Disability
Leaves of Absence
Bereavement and Jury Duty
Financial Security
401(K) Savings Plan with up to 6% Company Match
Profit Sharing Plan
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